In the year 2019, the United States Chamber of Commerce published a map demonstrating how much in dollars will the new tariffs on exports to China hurt each particular state. Darker red signifies greater losses.
For the rest of our world of investment opportunity and growth, instead of looking at their losses, they should be looking at new markets. This map therefore could be a 1 stop source for anyone looking for new trade or investment ideas.
So, the US has a bad trade deal with China. Does Mexico?
Could one buy products from any of those states hit really hard, perhaps for a better deal than normal, and resell those products to China without the heavy tariff?
People in the ‘States keep their jobs, and you’ve made a nice little profit, there.
For example, New Mexico has been hit pretty hard with the new tarrifs. They lost $293 million in sales, according to the charg. New Mexico is a source for Medical equipment, and right now only 3.9 million in sales comes from the EU.
Perhaps those companies could just open offices in Mexico. Import to Mexico, export to China. If not Mexico – there is Canada, Puerto Rico
Quickly learn the state by state overview of the main exports.