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Financial Interest News

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The Dax group Wirecard is expected to be broken down into individual parts, carved and sold. The preliminary insolvency administrator Michael Jaffé said that “numerous prospective customers worldwide have already registered for the acquisition of business areas“.

If you are also interested in the fillet pieces, you should now access: The fallen stock market star is available at a bargain price.

FDP financial expert Frank Schäffler stated, “The BaFin could have intervened under the Securities Trading Act and should even have intervened. But the BaFin let things go. Felix Hufeld contributed to the fact that this serious damage to the financial center occurred. Therefore he has to resign. ”

This is part of our continuing report on Wirecard, which can be read here and here.

On another front:

The Mainz-based biopharmaceutical company Biontech and its partner Pfizer have apparently achieved a breakthrough inthe search for a vaccine against the corona virus.

In tests in the USA, test subjects developed effective antibodies against the pathogen Sars-CoV-2. This was shared by Biontech and Pfizer. Now tests with up to 30,000 subjects will take place. If these are also successfully completed, production of the vaccine could start this year.

That would be more important for global economic development than all stimulus packages.

Gabor Steingart contributed.